Download Topographic Data
Spatial data below is for everybody to use free of charge. Please, refer to the origin and extraction date of data (e.g. " Map data: Republic of Estonia Land and Spatial Development Board 2025 or 14.03.2025 "). By downloading data you agree to terms of use of open data .
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Estonian Topographic Database Core Data
Map sheet query
Full dataset of entire Estonia
Thematic datasets for entire Estonia Theme Esri SHP Mapinfo TAB Microstation DGN Autocad DWG
SHP (125 MB)
TAB (100 MB)
DGN (89 MB)
DWG (112 MB)
Land use types
SHP (595 MB)
TAB (391 MB)
DGN (492 MB)
DWG (832 MB)
SHP (11 MB)
TAB (7.6 MB)
DGN (8.7 MB)
DWG (10 MB)
Utility facilities
SHP (2.9 MB)
TAB (1.9 MB)
DGN (2.3 MB)
DWG (2.7 MB)
SHP (162 MB)
TAB (109 MB)
DGN (117 MB)
DWG (178 MB)
SHP (284 MB)
TAB (180 MB)
DGN (221 MB)
DWG (334 MB)
NB! Zip files in this section do not include metainfo layer called "Base documents" (separate download link is provided below)
Derivative datasets Theme Esri SHP Mapinfo TAB Geopackage GPKG
Estonian Nature Information System and ETAK waterbodies combined
SHP (7.8 MB)
TAB (5.2 MB)
GPKG (7.0 MB)
Estonian Nature Information System and ETAK watercourses combined
SHP (19 MB)
TAB (12 MB)
GPKG (13 MB)
Estonian Nature Information System and ETAK watercourses with secondary branches combined
SHP (20 MB)
TAB (13 MB)
GPKG (18 MB)
Building register attributes and ETAK buildings combined
SHP (140 MB)
TAB (120 MB)
GPKG (140 MB)
Headwaters of land improvement systems and ETAK combined
SHP (9.0 MB)
TAB (7.8 MB)
GPKG (11 MB)
ETAK islands combined
SHP (7.2 MB)
TAB (5.7 MB)
GPKG (6.9 MB)
All derivative datasets together
SHP (202 MB)
TAB (163 MB)
GPKG (195 MB)
Auxiliary sources Automatic data updates at every weekend.