Geo3D business analysis
In December 2023, the Geo3D business analysis was completed.
Full analysis document in Estonian language ( 10.7 MB, 14.03.2024 ).
Summary in English ( 138 KB, 5.01.2024 ).
The analysis was commissioned by the Estonian Land and Spatial Development Board and the Information Technology Centre of the Ministry of the Environment, and it was conducted by Ernst & Young Baltic and Alphagis. The report examined the Geo3D vision of the Estonian Land and Spatial Development Board and the possibilities of implementing it, aiming to capture, produce, and distribute spatial data in 3D in the coming years.
The analysis was funded by the European Regional Development Fund, under the measure "Development of Public Service Provision" within the activity "Creating Compatibility of Public Services."
The analysis covered data capture, activities of the Estonian Topographic Database, data processing, geological 3D data, data distribution through services and map applications, and an action plan for the widespread adoption of 3D solutions.
During the analysis, two user interface use cases were prototyped: an Augmented Reality (AR) view and an object view with multiple parallel map windows.
Twenty interviews were conducted with various stakeholders, and four focus group discussions were held during the analysis.
The broad adoption of 3D spatial data requires new distribution channels, more efficient cooperation between public authorities, transformation of workflows, testing and applying new technologies, and additional human and IT resources. The analysis identified the following needs for implementing the 3D transformation:
- The modernisation of AP and ALS equipment, as well as satellite navigation base stations for collecting more detailed and precise data. The upgrade is a prerequisite to begin producing frequently asked map products, such as true orthophotos and photo textures for building façades. Furthermore, more detailed data and new products are needed to advance the usage of artificial intelligence in data production.
- Establishment of a 3D competence centre in the Land and Spatial Development Board. There is a need for stronger cooperation among experts in spatial data across the public sector. A cooperation project with common funding should be launched to create the national 3D model with high precision. This will create preconditions for continuously adding new 3D data into the national 3D model by any stakeholder, in order to keep the national 3D model up-to-date and to improve its precision. The competency centre is necessary to coordinate the building and enhancement of the 3D model by various institutions. Development of possibilities for common funding of data updates.
- The piloting of data collection alternatives to increase the resource efficiency of updating the 3D model. The possibilities of updating ETDB data by imagery from satellites or the stratosphere with sufficient precision should be researched and tested.
- Updates to the ETDB data model and improvement of work processes. The creation of standards and guidelines provides the basis for using and updating the 3D model by all interested parties. Implementing amendments in relevant legal acts.
- A state-controlled collection of engineering geological data, digitalisation of older geotechnical survey reports, generation and distribution of a geological 3D model.
- Increased technical capabilities for distributing the 3D model, including the readiness to incorporate 3D information from other institutions.
- Visualisation and delivery of 2D and 3D spatial data to end users together on one platform. The X-GIS map server currently used by Land and Spatial Development Board has no 3D support. The new application should either be built from scratch or developed on top of the existing X-GIS interface by adding 3D capabilities. In either case, the new platform must ensure that all spatial data are up-to-date, service-based, and available for all target groups, from a single source, and through a common user interface.