Administrative and Settlement Division
Data of administrative and settlement units is derived from the Land Cadastre. Attribute data is derived from the official Estonian Administrative and Settlement Classification (EHAK) maintained by the Statistics Estonia. A regular snapshop is taken on January 1 each year, but intermediary snapshots are taken when the changes in the Cadastre are significant.
Schematic maps of county and municipality borders for public use (as of 01.01.2024):
- Municipalities and counties with name and EHAK classification (PNG) ( 1.4 MB, 19.01.2024 )
- Municipalities and counties with name (PNG) ( 1.2 MB, 19.01.2024 )
- Municipalities borders (PNG) ( 803 KB, 19.01.2024 )
- Counties borders (PNG) ( 567.7 KB, 19.01.2024 )
The data is available at three levels: counties, municipalities and settlements. The data includes attributes as described below.
Data properties | |
Format | Esri SHP, MapInfo (TAB), AutoCAD (DXF), MicroStation (DGN) |
Data structure | vector areas |
Scale | 1:10 000 |
Update frequency | Downloadable files are updated monthly (at the beginning of the month) |
Licence | The use of administrative and settlement units data is not restricted, but the reference to the data source (i.e. Estonian Land Board) and validity date must be made! For example: "Administrative and settlement units, Estonian Land Board 01.01.2024" |
Table content:
* Settlement type is coded by EHAK as follows: 0 - county, 1 - rural municipality, 3 - village, 4 - town, 5 - town without municipal status, 6 - urban regions, 7 - township, 8 - hamlet
Table Column | Explanation |
ANIMI | Settlement name |
AKOOD | Settlement ID (EHAK) |
TYYP* | Settlement type |
ONIMI | Municipality name |
OKOOD | Municipality ID (EHAK) |
MNIMI | County name |
MKOOD | County ID (EHAK) |
* Settlement type is coded by EHAK as follows: 0 - county, 1 - rural municipality, 3 - town, 4 - city, 5 - city without municipal status, 6 - city district, 7 - small town, 8 - village
Free download
- Counties DGN ( 8.7 MB, 1.12.2024 )
- Counties DXF ( 13.6 MB, 1.12.2024 )
- Counties SHP ( 6.8 MB, 1.12.2024 )
- Counties MAP ( 9.2 MB, 1.12.2023 )
- Municipalities DGN ( 9.8 MB, 1.12.2024 )
- Municipalities DXF ( 15.8 MB, 1.12.2024 )
- Municipalities SHP ( 7.8 MB, 1.12.2024 )
- Municipalities MAP ( 7.2 MB, 1.12.2023 )
Settlements (towns, small towns, villages)
- Settlements DGN ( 16.6 MB, 1.12.2024 )
- Settlements DXF ( 28.8 MB, 1.12.2024 )
- Settlements SHP ( 14.2 MB, 1.12.2024 )
- Settlements MAP ( 10.9 MB, 1.12.2023 )
Municipalities with Maritime Boundary
- Municipalities SHP ( 1.7 MB, 1.12.2024 )
- Municipalities MAP ( 1.4 MB, 1.12.2024 )
- Municipalities DXF ( 3.2 MB, 1.12.2024 )
- Municipalities DGN ( 1.5 MB, 1.12.2024 )