Estonian Topographic Database

The Estonian Topographic Database (ETD) together with the Cadastral Information System serves as a basis for the National Land Information System. 

The Estonian Topographic Database was established to achieve the following objectives:

  1. to manage and organise the production of topographic spatial data and topographic products and maps covering the whole territory of Estonia;
  2. to provide the society with up-to-date and high-quality data, data services and maps produced on the basis of these data;
  3. to provide state and local government databases with topographic spatial data for objects managed in their respective databases;
  4. to implement the directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing an infrastructure for spatial information in the Community.

Overview about Estonian Topographic Database ( 366.1 KB, 11.12.2009 )
Regulation on Establishment and Maintenance of Estonian Topographic Database ( 177.5 KB, 11.12.2009 )

Complex and resource-demanding re-engineering and migration of the existing digital topographic data into the enterprise geodatabase (ESRI ArcSDE + Oracle) was concluded in spring 2007. The implementation of new object-based data updating rules required a new specification for topographic data production (mapping). Nowadays, all topographic data is updated inhouse.

Every topographic object in ETD has a unique ID and topographic objects are associated with corresponding data in registers like Road Register, Environmental Register, Address Register, Place Names Register and Register of Construction Works. In data updating the lifecycle of objects must be followed and unique IDs retained to keep the associations with external registers. It also enables us to record the history of topographic data changes.

Data properties
Distribution file format Esri GDB, SHP, MapInfo TAB, INSPIRE GML
Data structure vector points, lines and polygons
Scale 1:10 000, settlement areas 1:5000
Update frequency Downloadable files are updated weekly
Licence Open Data License
Please refer to the source of origin and date when using the data. For example: "Map data by Republic of Estonia Land and Spatial Development Board 2025"

Last update: 06.01.2025 10:58
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