Address Data
The Estonian Address Data System (ADS) contains addresses of cadastral parcels, buildings and building parts (with house/apartment numbers and/or place names, etc.), but also addresses of address objects that are used for addressing, e.g. streets, address areas, settlement units, municipalities and counties.
Very detailed overview of ADS is available in English in ADS interfacing manual.
ADS data is open data, so there is no license agreement. If you use our data and have a list of data providers, please refer to the Estonian Land and Spatial Development Board as the provider of Estonian address data.
ADS is a support system in Estonian state information system, which gathers address data from different state registers, where address objects are created, mainly Land Cadastre and Register of Construction Works, and makes this data and changes available to other state information systems, which contain address data, for example Population register.
ADS contains only official addresses (based on administrative acts of local governments) – no address in Estonia is valid before the address is registered in ADS. This ensures that ADS has the most up to date information about new addresses. Also for this reason ADS has high quality data about rural areas, where other mapping services are not that effective.
ADS data consists of addresses (AADRESSID – name of database table and extract in Estonian), address objects (AADRESS_OBJEKTID) and address components (AADRESS_KOMPONENDID).
Addresses consist of address components. ADS components are divided to 8 levels as follows:
Level | Name | Probable match in Google component type |
1. | County | administrative_area_level_1 |
2. | Administrative unit (city, rural municipality) | administrative_area_level_2 |
3. | Settlement unit (village, borough) or City district | sublocality |
4. | Address area (mainly old gardening cooperatives, where houses are numbered randomly) |
neighborhood? |
5. | Thouroughfare (street, road alley etc) |
route |
6. | Address object name (place name, name of a cadastral parcel or building – used mainly in rural areas) | premise? |
7. | Address number (number of a building or cadastral parcel) |
street_number |
8. | Building part number (number of apartment or other part of the building) |
room? Not used in geocoding or maps |
Components have an ID and a code (4-letter identification, consisting of numbers and letters). Components in different levels can have the same code, but identifier is always unique.
Addresses are described in table AADRESSID. The identifier of a version of the address is ADR_ID. Also address has a code address (KOODAADRESS), where all the component codes, which the address consists of, are brought out. Almost all of the addresses (~99,9%) have a geographical indication point (VIITEPUNKT), which is set on the most important object addressed by this address (e.g if a cadastral parcel, a residential building and a non-residential buildings carry the same address, then the reference point of this address is set to the address point of the residential building). Many address objects can carry the same address (ADR_ID) and one address object can carry many addresses (ADR_IDs, it has parallel addresses).
Object type | Code | Number of objects |
Cadastral parcel | CU | ~772 000 |
EE building (residential) | EE | ~305 000 |
ME building (non-residential) | ME | ~679 000 |
Dwelling / flat | ER | ~559 000 |
Other part of building | MR | ~68 000 |
TOTAL | ~2 400 000 |
Address objects are identified by ADS_OID, which consist of 2 letters (object code) and 8 numbers. When data of an address object is modified (address change or shape change), then new version of the address object is created. In that case ADS_OID stays the same, but new ADOB_ID (version identifier) is created.
Example of ADS data:
To get acquainted with ADS data, it is best to start with addresses. For this ADs provides extract nr 9 Addresses with components and history (Aadressid koos komponentide ja ajalooga) in ADS public service. A small example of that file can be downloaded directly here as well (file extract_9_example_Anija_vald.csv).
Väljavõte nr 9 | Extract nr 9 | Example data |
ADR_ID | Address version ID | 2572757 |
Koodaadress | Code address |
371412928000001P O00005UFK00000000 |
Täisaadress | Full address | Harju maakond, Anija vald, Kehra linn, Põrguvälja tn 6 |
Lähiaadress | Proximate address | Põrguvälja tn 6 |
Olek | Status - valid (K) and invalid (V and T) | K |
Kehtiv | Valid since | 23.10.2017 11:32:29 |
Kehtetu | Invalid since | |
Viitepunkti x | Representative point X (mathematical X coordinate, 6 digits, (Y coordinate in geographical system)) |
575135,93 |
Viitepunkti y | Representative point Y (mathematical Y coordinate, 7 digits, (X coordinate in geographical system)) |
6578603,86 |
taseX_kood (X is level number from 1 to 8) | Level X component code | 01PO |
taseX_nimetus | Level X component name | Põrguvälja tn |
taseX_nimetus_liigiga | Level X component name (long, differs from short name only for level 4 and 5 components) | Põrguvälja tänav |
normaliseerimata tekst | not normalized address text (not used in valid addresses) |
The representative point coordinates are in L-EST 97 coordinate system. ( This is the official coordinate system in Estonia and its use is obligatory to all state institutions.
If you have suggestions or recommendations how to improve our extracts or ease of access of ADS data, let us know via e-mail
Other ADS data:
In the beginning of every month we create complete extracts of all ADS data. Different extracts are available in our FTP server and in the public service of ADS – descriptions only in Estonian, but field names similar to extracts in FTP server.
FTP server of ADS:
The access is limited for foreign IP addresses. If you have problems accessing the FTP server and need to use ADS data, please contact us via e-mail
In the extracts folder there is a readme.pdf file with information about extracts in English as well.
For further reading, here are some presentations giving overview about ADS (in English):
Presentation about ADS made to Finnish Land Survey in February 2023
Presentation about ADS made to foreign partners in 2018 ( 1 MB, 28.02.2023 )
Presentation about ADS made in Statictics Estonia in 2017 ( 1.3 MB, 28.02.2023 )
How to use
Public service of the address system- Address search API (In-ADS)
- Address text normalization and geocoding
- Address data CSV download - CSV extracts are produced once in every 30 days
- ADS interfacing manual
- ADS X-tee services