Download Elevation Data

  Spatial data below is for everybody to use free of charge. Please, refer to the origin and extraction date of data (e.g. " Map data: Estonian Land Board 2024 or 22.10.2024"). By downloading data you agree to terms of use of open data.

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Elevation Data

Map sheet query

  Map sheet borders and numbers can be found in web map application: 1:2000, 1:10000 and 1:20000.


2,5 m vahega samakõrgusjooned ning iseloomulikud kõrguspunktid sisalduvad Eesti põhikaardi vektorandmete koosseisus.

Auxiliary sources
About 1/4 of Estonian territory is laser-scanned every year. New data will be added in December-January..

Last update: 27.11.2019 09:24
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