Public WMS, WFS
Public Web Map Service is a service that is offered by the Republic of Estonia Land and Spatial Development Board for displaying spatially referenced data on the computer screen and is based on OGC WMS (Open Geospatial Consortium Web Map Service) standard. The service is for public use, free of charge and includes most of the spatial data the we collect. Please refer to the source of origin when using extracted data, printouts, etc. While using the map image received from the service in different map applications, and provided the reference watermark that is integrated into the service is not clearly visible, a reference shall be made to the source of origin (e.g. "Base map: Republic of Estonia Land and Spatial Development Board”). In final products and printouts a more detailed reference shall be used, e.g. "name of the base map, source of origin, date of extract”.
A map produced by WMS-service is in raster format and can be used by GIS software (for example ArcGIS, MapInfo, MicroStation, AutoCAD MAP 3D or freeware which includes WMS-client capability, some popular examples are QGIS, uDig, Gaia, Google Earth).
The following WMS services are available: contains layers:
- Map sheet index (query: map sheet numbers, mapping date, aerial laserscanning date, orthophoto flight date and GSD)
- Restrictions (cadastral parcel restrictions and restriction zones)
- Cadastral data (geometry, parcel identifier, address, etc)
- Administrative and Settlement Division (borders and names)
- Roads (road and street network, railways, road numbers, street names)
- Topographical data 1:50 000 (generalized data: land cover, hydrographic network, names)
- Topographical data 1:250 000 (generalized data: land cover, hydrographic network, names)
- Soil map
- Orthophotos (visible between zoom scale 0 to 24 000)
- Basic maps (colour, monochrome and relief-shaded Estonian Basic Map in 1:10 000 detail level) contains layers:
- Estonian Topographic Database data (buildings, structures, land cover, landforms, hydrographic network, place names, etc)
- Additional Estonian Topographic Database data (point objects, utility lines, churches)
- Roads (road and street network, railways, road numbers, street names)
- Roads - white (road and street network, railwais, road numbers, street names)
- Administrative and Settlement Division (borders and names)
- Base map 1:50 000 (generalized data: land cover, hydrographic network, names)
- Topographical data 1:250 000 (generalized data: land cover, hydrographic network, names) contains complete basemap layer:
- Grayscale map contains layers:
- Map sheet index (query: map sheet numbers, mapping date, aerial laserscanning date, orthophoto flight date and GSD)
- Elevation Data (height points, contours, depth points, depth contours)
- Street data
- Road names
- Hybrid map without street names
- Hybrid map (place names, buildings, building numbers, transport networks, water network)
- Administrative and Settlement Division (data from Hybrid map, borders and names)
- Grayscale hillshading
- Coloured hillshading
- Canopy Height Model - CHM
- Digital Surface Model - DSM; visible in zoon scales 0 to 24 000)
- Newest orthophoto mosaic (scalable throughout all zoom levels) contains layers:
- Map sheet index (query: map sheet numbers, mapping date, aerial laserscanning date, orthophoto flight date and GSD)
- Cadastral units (geometry, parcel identifier, address, etc)
- Hybrid map (place names, buildings, building numbers, transport networks, water network)
- All digital orthophotos (starting from 1993)
- Historical maps:
- Hillshading (2008-2012, 2012-2015)
- Digital terrain model (2011-2014)
- Estonian Basic Map 1:10 000 yearly versions (1996-2007 and since 2009 to nowadays)
- Estonian Basic Map 1:20 000 (paper version, printed between 1994 and 2022)
- Cadastral maps (schematic map 1930-1944, 1978-1989)
- Soviet marine topographic map in scale 1:50 000 (1981-1991)
- Soviet topographic maps (1942 reference system) in scales 1:10 000, 1:25 000, 1:50 000, 1:100 000, 1:200 000, 1: 300 000, 1:500 000, 1:1 000 000; all printed between 1946 and 1989, 1:100 000 printed between 1898 and 1989
- Soviet topographic maps (1963 reference system) in scales 1:10 000 and 1:25 000 (printed between 1966 and 1987)
- Map of Estonia 1:50 000 (ordered by Estonian Defense Forces 1997-2003)
- Estonian Base Map 1:50 000 (1994-1998)
- German Heereskarte in scale 1:300 000 (1943-1944)
- Estonian topographic maps in scales 1:25 000, 1:50 000, 1:200 000 (1923-1939)
- 1-verst 1:42 000 map (1891-1912); 2-verst 1:84 000 map (1895-1918); 3-verst 1:126 000 map (1866-1915)
- Schmidt Eestimaa / Rücker Liivimaa (XIX.c / 1884) contains the data of the Estonian Geological Base Map:
- Metadata (of the maps, incl. the compilation year)
- Data points (boreholes, water wells, outcrops and other survey points)
- Mineral resources (discoveries as points, areas of deposits, perspective areas, other occurrences, results of the oil-shale mining)
- Reports of the geological archives (survey areas grouped by size and topic)
- Geophysics (profiles, gravity and aeromagnetic anomalies)
- Quaternary (composition, cross-sections, thickness, geomorphology)
- Bedrock (composition, cross-sections, relief)
- Hydrogeology (aquifer systems, cross-sections, groundwater characteristics and consumption)
- Groundwater vulnerability (categories, nature of the groundwater aquifers)
GetCapabilities query: WMS 1.3.0 contains 50x50 m grid models interpolated from different survey data (Geological Base Map, Mineral Registry and VEKA borewells).
- Quaternary thickness
- Sedimentary bedrock relief
- Crystalline basement relief
NB! These are interpolated data. Due to the variable dendsity of the survey points, the actual subsurface conditions may differ significantly from the interpolated model.
GetCapabilities query: WCS 1.0.0 contains 1:400 000 geological map data:
- Quaternary (landforms, buried valleys, composition)
- Sedimentary bedrock (composition, cross-section)
- Crystalline basement (boreholes from the Geological Base Map, composition, cross-sections)
- Hydrogeology (aquifers, cross-sections, groundwater characteristics)
- Groundwater vulnerability (vulnerability classes, nature of the aquifers)
GetCapabilities päring: WMS 1.3.0 contains data from Mineral Registry and other sources:
- Mineral deposits
- Resereves (mineral blocks)
- Mines (valid, applicable)
- Service areas of the mines
- Survey areas (valid, applicable)
- Mineral resources (Geological Base Map mineral discoveries, perspective areas, other occurrences, results of the oil-shale mining)
- Peatlands (fixed up, currently being fixed up, usable, damaged)
GetCapabilities query: WMS 1.3.0 contains layers:
- Location of administrative centres
- Place name location point
- Former place name location point
- Informal address object (districts, place names from other sources)
- Addresses
- Building address
- Building shape (ADS)
- Cadastral parcel address
- Information query about cadastral parcel's attributes
- Road/Street address
- Roads/Street (lines, points)
- Minor place name's address
- Minor place name
- Similar to map layers. contains WMS and WFS about:
- 39 core vector format layers of Estonian Topographic Database
- NB! When using WFS connection, there is a limit of 5000 objects per one query, therefore downloading whole layer requires 'enable feature paging' with 'page size' set to 5000.
How to view WMS?
Commercial software
- uDig
- Gaia
- gvSIG
- Google Earth(WMS with geographical coordinates)