Geological Maps 1:400 000

Please note! The Parliament of Estonia has made a decision that as of 01.01.2025, the Estonian Geological Survey will take over all tasks related to the geology field previously carried out by the Land Board.

Maps of Quaternary deposits, bedrock, crystalline basement, hydrogeology and groundwater vulnerability at the scale of 1:400 000 have a nationwide coverage. The maps have been compiled by the Geological Survey of Estonia.

Map of Quaternary Deposits (1:400 000)

It displays the most widespread sediment types of the Quaternary overburden as coloured polygons, and also types of landforms (eskers, drumlins, end moraines, kame fields) and buried valleys.
Additional data about the Map of Quaternary deposits is available in the explanatory notes (1999, in Estonian) ( 6.9 MB )

Map of Quaternary Deposits

Map of Bedrock (1:400 000)

It characterizes the chronostratigraphic sequences of Estonia according to the regional stages (it differs from the Geological Base Map (1:50 000), where the bedrock mapping objects are lithostratigraphic units - formations). Regional stages are differentiated on the map by colour and index. The capital letter of the index refers to the system, the following number in subscript to the corresponding series.

Together with stages, the most prominent fault systems, bedrock valleys filled with Quaternary deposits, a S-N oriented cross-section and locations of the stratotype sections (the same as on the Geological Base Map) are shown.

Additional data about the Map of Bedrock is avaiable in the explanatory notes (1997, in Estonian) ( 6.5 MB )

Printable version of the Map of Bedrock (1997) ( 12.5 MB )

Map of Bedrock

Map of Basement (1:400 000)

Main basement structures and rock complexes are shown as coloured polygons/patterns. Isolines describe the depth of the top surface of the basement. Red lines represent the main fault systems. By origin, faults are classified as Phanerozoic (younger than 541 Ma) and Precambrian (older than 541 Ma). Locations of the wells penetrating the basement (data of the Geological Base Map) are also shown.
Additional data about the Map of Basement is available in the explanatory notes (2002, in Estonian) ( 10.4 MB )

Map of Basement

Map of Hydrogeology (1:400 000)

It depicts the bedrock aquifers and aquitards, providing an overview about the groundwater yield.

In addition, cross-sections, main fault systems, buried valleys, areas of groundwater overflow, and isolines of the 1st bedrock aquifer from the ground surface are shown.

Printable version of the Map of Hydrogeology (1998) ( 3 MB )

Map of Hydrogeology

Map of Groundwater Vulnerability (1:400 000)

It displays by coloured polygons the potential contamination risk (originated from the ground surface) to the 1st bedrock aquifer from the ground.

Additionally, main characteristics of the aquifer/aquitard are given (whether the 1st bedrock aquifer from the ground is fractured/karstified (limestone, dolostone), intergranular (sandstone, siltstone) or with very limited groundwater yield (clay). Similar to the Map of Hydrogeology, areas of groundwater overflow and isolines of the 1st bedrock aquifer from the ground surface are shown.

Additional data about the Map of Groundwater Vulnerability is available in the explanatory notes (2001, in Estonian) ( 2.7 MB )

Printable version of the Map of Groundwater Vulnerability (2001) ( 13.2 MB )

Map of Groundwater Vulnerability

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Ivo Sibul

Last update: 19.12.2024 10:07
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