Geological Base Map 1:50 000

Please note! The Parliament of Estonia has made a decision that as of 01.01.2025, the Estonian Geological Survey will take over all tasks related to the geology field previously carried out by the Land Board.

Geological Base Map is a set of national geological maps providing information about geological background, distribution of mineral resources and groundwater regime in Estonia. This information is essential for rational usage and protection of the geological environment. The Geological Base Map set includes maps of Quaternary, bedrock, hydrogeology, groundwater vulnerability, supported by additional information (data points, geophysics, mineral resources). The scale of the digital maps 1:50 000 refers to the data density, hence the map's accuracy.

Experiences in Europe and neighbouring countries show the scale 1:50 000 is optimal for the nation-wide geological mapping. Integrated mapping program at this scale was launched in 1980ies in Estonia. Mapping has been carried out by different state-financed survey institutions. As of 2024, about 60% of the country has been mapped, however a lot of data have not been verified and digitized so far. Data that are not digitized are accessible by the Geological Archive.

In years 2003-2017 national geological maps were ordered, managed and distributed by the Estonian Land Board while mapping was carried out by the Geological Survey. Since 2018, the Geological Survey of Estonia organizes mapping as the Land Board continuously distributes the data. 

Maps are made public in the Land Board's map server as the Web Map of 1:50 000 geological maps (the data can be viewed, printed and downloaded as spatial objects).

Main characteristics of the data
Format Esri GDB, SHP, MapInfo TAB
Data structure vector points, lines, areas 
Scale 1:50 000
Updating frequency according to needs, if new data are available
Licence Open Data licence of the Estonian Land Board
While using the data, please use referencing: "Geological Base Map, Estonian Land Board, Geological Survey of Estonia 2024"

Last update: 19.12.2024 10:07
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