Drill Core Database

Drill holes provide important information about the subsoil plots. Drill core database contains data used for compiling the Geological Base Map of Estonia, including descriptions and photos of the state-owned drill cores (~ 25000 boxes) and samples taken from them.

The most recent data can be found by searching the drill core database.

Find out more


Ivo Sibul

Search form:

Search string
Name given during research
Borehole number after database rearrangement
Coordinates in L-EST system
(Nr starting with 4 or 5)
(Nr starting with 6)

Pulkovo coordinates have 7 digits!
Absolute height of borehole opening
Estimation of the coordinates’ and location accuracy
Thickness of Quaternary (m)
Thickness of the sedimentary bedrock (m)
Stratigraphic index of the topmost sedimentary bedrock unit
Stratigraphic-genetic index of the topmost Quaternary unit
Lithologic type of the topmost Quaternary unit
Type of the data point (borehole, outcrop etc)
Other notes
Purpose of the data point (geological survey, mapping etc)
Stratigraphic index of the topmost unit
Stratigraphic index of the lowermost unit
Name of the data point in the database of the Estonian Geological Base Map (e.g. 5421_AP0023)
Box number
Starting depth of the box
Time of photo taken
Repository where the box is stored
Link to exact location in repository
Kastis identifitseeritud strat. piirid. Nt 94.2 Aseri/Kunda
Index of the layer
Description of the layer
Depth of the layer
Thickness of the layer
Full name of layer describer
Time of describing in date or year precision
Bedrock type
Strat. indeks
Thin section
Chemical analysis

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Last update: 08.01.2020 15:35
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